Skin Whitening Forever

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Get Rid of Freckles on Your Face Overnight!

Getting rid of freckles is never an easy task. Freckles are common to children that will usually fade during adulthood.  They are small spots you usually found on your face where your melanin tend to get pigment-happy. Many would say that freckles are cute or attractive to girls. But mostly found them annoying and want them gone. Small spots of freckles can be considered cute on face, especially if they will go well with your look. But too much can really be annoying and cause to appear messy face. That’s when people want their freckles gone. So, how to get rid of freckles? There are several ways on how to lighten freckles naturally.

Discover tips, tricks and techniques how to get rid of freckles forever!

 You can use treatment for freckles which will lighten them to be less noticeable. But it is best when you consult a doctor that has expertise on that field. This is to avoid complication. As you know our face has the most sensitive skin on our body. The most common now is the laser technology. Which are best medical recommended by doctors right now. But as you can see, they are quite expensive. There are still many options for that, besides spending on expensive things. There are like what I've said above, freckles treatment or the natural way of doing it. All you have to do is read some articles regarding the issue. There are plenty alternatives if you knew how to research.

How to Get Rid of Freckles Home Remedies

Tip 1: One natural way to get rid of freckles is by rubbing a lemon on your skin. Also, you can try applying lemon juice using a cotton ball. Lemon has the acidic power which will make your skin lighten.

Tip 2: Another natural way is rubbing Onion on your face. The onion has its own exfoliating power just like lemon. But as you see lemon’s smell can be endured but in onions, that would be a problem.

Tip 3: Vitamin supplements are also alternative in treating freckles. People that have freckles should increase their intake of vitamin C. Also, you can eat fruits that are rich in vitamin C such as orange, grapes, apples or strawberries.

Tip 4: Sour milk is beneficial remedy for freckles. You can wash your face twice a day.

Tip 5: Papaya Juice has enzyme called Papain that makes scars or freckles fade away. The blemishes will lighten in time. So, you can apply them in your face using cotton ball or just by rubbing it directly on your face.

Be Patient!

These are few tips which you can do naturally to get rid of freckles fast. Just be patient with getting rid of them. It does not fade instantly and require time. Just do them daily and in no time you will see your freckles fading slowly.


  1. I heard that lemons can also cause dark spots if you rub them on your skin a lot.

  2. Lemon and papaya extract were effective home remedies for freckles
